Thursday, February 26, 2015


I was just reading (again) the post that Hannah wrote yesterday and I adored it (again), so this morning during school, I drew (again) a heart on my hand.

-Alyssa :)


You are not perfect.
 You cannot be perfect.
But you are good.
You are beautiful and just the way you were made to be. You are who you are for a reason. Don't strive to be perfect, because it will just disappoint you and bring you down. Don't set such high expectations for yourself. You are lovely just the way you are. Strive to be the person you were made to be, and find out who that person is. Strive to be the person God made, strive to be in his image. That doesn't mean you will be perfect, or never have problems, or never struggle.
Because you will.
You will constantly have internal struggles. Social struggles. Struggles that make you wonder why you are the way you are. The answer is this. You are who you are because that is the way God made you. God made you who you are and it is right. Not perfect, right. You are you, don't try to be someone else. The struggles you encounter now may help you empower someone else later.
Your relationships, your friends, everyone you encounter, none of them will be perfect, so don't expect that of people. Just love them for who they are because that's what they need.

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
Romans 5:3-5

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
Romans 12:2



Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Hey guys!

Alyssa here and so every Tuesday Hannah and I were thinking of doing a 'Once Upon A Time' questions and answers post. Today lovely Hannah will be choosing the questions and assigning me to answer them in my opinion. So here we go...!!

Q: Who's your favourite character?
A: Killian Jones. AKA Hook. Totally. I love to take personality quizzes and so I took one for OUAT and I got Hook! Maybe that's why I like him so much... Lol. NEXT

Q: Who's your least favourite character?
A: Ugh... Either Marian or Rumple. I felt so bad for Regina the second Emma brought her back. Rumple is just a jerk. He's selfish and when it becomes between him and Belle he always chooses himself. :( Poor Belle.

Q: If you were to have an afternoon out in Storybrooke, where would you go and what would you do?
A: Depends who was there and if they were in .... uh.... a 'good mood'. I would totally go call up Emma and Henry to have a hot chocolate with cinnamon at Granny's Diner. After, I would invite myself over to Snow and Charming's house because it is AWESOME. Then I would go down to the forest and chill with Hook. Oh and when I'm all done, I'm taking a selfie at the 'leaving Storybrooke' sign.

Q: Who do you think was better with Emma? Graham, Hook, or Neal?
A: *eep*. That's tough. Defiantly not Graham. Maybe if he stuck around a bit longer my opinion on him would be different though. I prefer Hook out of them because, well he's my favourite character, he really changes throughout the seasons. When you first meet him, he's arrogant and a bit sarcastic, but he totally changes after he realizes Henry is Baelfire's son. Neal is really cool though so either of them. But if I were Emma I would say Neal.

Q: If you could pick one character that has already died and bring them back to life, who would it be? Why?
A: Daniel. Regina's true love. Either him or Neal. Emma and Henry are happy as of now, so bringing back Neal might bring more pain. Regina is always loosing who she loves so I think it would be kinda neat to see what would happen if Daniel did come back.

If you have a different answer for any of these questions, leave a comment below and we will reply ASAP. We'll have another post on Sunday!

-Hannah & Alyssa

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Welcome to Two Peas in a Pod! Thanks for stopping by. We are Alyssa and Hannah, cousins and besties.
We will be posting about 2 times a week, about Once Upon a Time, bible verses we like, pictures, or whatever we feel like talking about. We'll have new posts every Tuesday and Sunday, and you'll just have to come back to see what they're about. :)
We're not very good at introductions, so we can relax now that ours is over. ;)
Hope you stop by again!
-Alyssa and Hannah